Dota faceless void
Dota faceless void

dota faceless void

The only hero I would take the evasion against is OD because he is right click reliant hero that does not build mkb. So It is imperative that you give yourself the best chance to land this massive ability and the added range will give you just that. Faceless Void is reliant on his chromosphere and a good chromosphere can change the game in your favor or end it outright. In most games the enemy will have some lategame physical damage core that will absolutely suffer against you if you have 20% evasion but even so I recommend talking the 600 range bonus on timewalk, for one reason and one reason only. 300 health on the other hand is equivalent to a massive nuke, which would give you the ability to survive another nuke in a fight and then maximize the hp by timewalking off the damage that you just received. If you are playing as an offlaner and are suffering in the farm department, it might be more prudent to go for the 120 gpm but as a safe laner, your farm farm should be in a good place and you do not need to gpm this late into the game as you will probably have already acquired most of your core items.


If there are no heavy physical damage cores on the enemy team, feel free to go for the damage but know that attack speed scales better on void due to his passive bash ability. Granted you don't get the 42 damage or the attack speed but that armor value is no joke and could easily save you against some enemies. To equate this to stats, 7 armor is what you would get from 42 agility. This means the enemies physical damage cores will start to come online and some might have the ability to burst you in the period of a stun and in that situation the 7 armor may very well save your life. This again depends on what enemy you are up against, But at lvl 15 you are firmly in the midgame. LVL 15 7 Armor vs 25 DamageĢ5 damage is a lot, it is equivalent to a demon edge and it says a lot then that I am advocating for the armor talent. In some games it might be worth it to take this talent over the attack speed, specially if you're getting nuked down at the beginning of fights but in most games the attack speed will give you more value. While 8 strength is nice, void is an agility hero so all the strength gives you is minor hp regen and 160 hp. The faster you attack, the more attacks you can get off and the more damage you can do. Talents LVL 10 15 attack speed vs 8 strengthġ5 attack speed scales better at least for Faceless Void because of his passive bash. The duration increase is decent but its the lowered cool down that will win you games. It is absolutely essential to max chrono asap and take lvls in it every time you can because of how the cool down scales. struggle to deal with this spell in particular. Heroes like bristleback, antimage, queen of pain, etc. This spell is particularly useful against heroes that rely on low cooldown abilities to deal damage or survice. In most games it would be prudent to max your timewalk and timelock by lvl 9 with timewalk taking precedence over the latter but in some games you might need to vary the build by getting an early lvl of time dilation.

dota faceless void dota faceless void

In most safe lane vs offlane matchups you might want more lvls in bash than in timewalk but the fact that chrono is such a crucial ability and its early timing being a necessity often lends itself to void getting early lvls in timewalk as it allows him to attain a fast lvl 6 timing by playing aggressive in lane and surviving using its damage backtrack mechanic. It is important to understand why we build void the way we do because in Dota builds vary game to game and from matchup to matchup.

Dota faceless void